Tuesday, April 19, 2011

looky what she can do...........


Ammieloris said...

Yay! She's so cute. Gideon wants to watch this video again (and again and again). "I want to watch more Eh-laine.")

hollyctr said...

Oh!!! I love it! It's so great how kids gravitate to babies. Sweet Gideon :)

Kristin said...

Oh my gosh!! So so sweet. We are not there..at all. I'll have to show Oliver this video too!! She is such a doll. She makes a face in that video that reminds me of Oliver. I could see how they were related for a minute. Sweet cousins. I canNOT wait to see them together at Christmas!!

Jake and Aimee said...

she is sooo cute! yay for her!

Kristin said...

I just tried to show this to Oliver and he's too interested in the keyboard to look at the screen. Even when I put sweet Elaine on full screen, he's all BUTTONS and things I shouldn't touch!!!

Sarah said...

That is crazy! And ridiculously cute. David John loves this video. We'll have to come visit Miss Elaine soon- as soon as no one has a fever.