So life as explained earlier is a little nuts at the moment. We are all adjusting well but early on in this rotation I knew that there needed to be some serious efforts made to find a way to stay happy. This has been one of those moments that you know BEFORE hand that you will not be able to fully rely on your own strength and pluck to pull you through. Cue coping techniques. First on the list was a humble jar. (I love jars) This little puppy holds my gratitude.
This talk from general conference made me think alot about the way I allow myself time process thoughts of gratitude. I decided that a more concrete expression would help me hold those thoughts long enough to truly feel their blessing in my life. Each time I feel moved by the tender mercies from answered prayers or the thoughtfulness of others I jot it down and add it to my jar. (It is also quite useful when all I am having is negative thoughts and I need a way to pull myself out of my own crankiness.) Writing the words "I'm grateful for _____________" has been so enlightening. I amaze myself at the things I can come up with, even when, by all accounts, life should really stink at the moment. I love that when we pay attention to these small but important details we are better able to deal with craziness. Like today, for instance, I was on the phone with my sister-in-law (who also just had a baby)about life and other happenings. It could have been a rough moment. I had just found out that Jim was staying late for another surgery (which he didn't end up doing!) I was making dinner, and I had not napped. Ammon started bawling and as I went to see what was up I discovered Luke peeing on the floor, having just removed his clothing. Instead of feeling overwhelmed I just laughed, let my sister-in-law know what she was up for and cleaned it up like it was no big deal. Ammon stopped crying and dinner wasn't burned. Everyone lived and I maintained my sanity. There's a hymn that says "When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged thinking all is lost, Count you many blessings name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done... So amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be discouraged God is over all. Count your many blessings angels will attend Help and comfort give you to your journey's end." I have felt attended by angels in these last few weeks. I know that Heavenly Father cares about me, and my peed on carpet and my sanity. I know that when I pray to be able to "Run and not be weary, walk and not faint" That means physical and emotional support. That is something I can be grateful for.
1 comment:
Well I, for one, am grateful for you and I think not freaking out in that moment of cooking dinner/crying/peeing on the floor deserves a medal. You are amazing!
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