Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More cuteness with some good news...

Well I have less then 3 weeks left of school and Jim has about 5 weeks left. We're feeling good! Jimmy is almost 25% doctor I have been able to maintain at 4.0 thus far (we'll see how finals go) Ammon and Luke are doing awesome! Luke is saying Mama now (which I love) He follows me all over the house saying Mama! Mama! He will sometimes do the same when Jim holds him only then its Dada. Ammon is repeating everything we say (which can sometimes be really funny) He is really growing up. I can't believe this is his last year of nursery. He has started asking frequently to use the potty and goes about half of the time. We are so proud of him! For this summer, I will be taking an online class and Jimmy will be doing really cool research with the Neurosurgery department at Rainbow Babies Children's Hospital this summer. We also plan to leave for a little RnR in Missouri around May 23rd for a week then again around the 4th of July. We're excited to see family and let the boys play with their cousins! Oh and we planted flowers! I'll keep you posted on their progress! Here are a few pictures we've taken recently. They just get cuter every day. Love you all!

I love it when they play together.

our naturally dyed eggs (we cheated on the green ones!)

Ammon liked the green ones

boiled eggs for breakfast....YUM

Our Easter dinner tradition that we stole from Nancy, we have fish and honey for a main course because in the book of Luke is says that when Christ appeared to the apostles they were "afraid for joy" and he then asked them for some meat and they gave him fish and honeycomb, proving to them that he had a resurrected body. This year we had some fun appetizers as well; hummus, pitas, olives, cheese and falafal. So much fun!

Lovely Meagan, we're going to miss her when she leaves for her mission. (If you look in the upper left side of the picture you can see Ammon in his "cape". Oh the things you can do with a nursing shawl!)

just horsin around

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