"Born in the desert, still thirsty."
- Georgene Nunn
"No future, no past. Not lost."
- Matt Brensilver
"Extremely responsible, secretly longed for spontaneity."
- Sabra Jennings
Yesterday on NPR they had a program on Talk of the Nation about memoirs in 6 words. Smith magazine in The spirit of Hemingway asked readers to submit a memoir of 6 words on their life, or to tell a story. I loved listening to these and Jim and I had fun writing a few of our own. Smith Mag has compiled these memoirs in a book entitled "Not Quite What I Was Planning, Memoirs by Famous and Obscure Writers" I think there is real power and rhythm in 6 words. They are so telling yet open ended and mysterious, allowing the reader to fill in the blanks while still painting a picture. So I was thinking, in honor of Valentines day and the fact that Jimmy and I got engaged 4 years ago today I would like to hear your 6 worded memoirs on Love and heartache in your lives. I'll go ahead and start with mine and the one Jimmy wrote tonight in my comments below. So in honor of love and as an anniversary gift submit yours in my comments as well! I can't wait to see what you come up with!!! Happy writing!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
Jimmy's: "Because of you, my life's complete."
Holly's: "Dishes, diapers, Daddy-man, my hero."
"House plans, farm land, planning dreams."
"Good pizza and conversation became forever."
Gypsy adventurer, searching but not lost.
Beautiful eyes, living in Saturday’s jeans.
Duct tape and plywood, Dad’s proud.
This is from Amy:
I would probably say: Life on earth sucks, Family rocks or something equally cynical.
This is from Ron Jon:
Eventually, tiny frog sees one soul
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