We've been getting alot of questions on where Luke's name came from. So I thought I'd write a little explanation. First of all, because I know he cares, Luke was originally suggested by Nick my step brother. We had been flipping through the index in the scriptures looking at names and Jim was joking about naming him some star wars name like Darth Vader or something and then Nick came up with Luke, so it went on the maybe list. The more we thought about the name the more we liked it. First of all Messegee is of Greek origin which is cool and we like our names to have special meaning, whether its a hero or a person we admire or directly connected to our place in life. Luke fell under the last category. In the scriptures, Luke is a disciple of Christ. He was Greek and his profession was as a physician or doctor. We thought that this was very fitting seeing that Messegee is Greek and Jimmy would be starting med school about the same time Luke was born. So, going with this theme we started our hunt for a middle name. Javan (pronounced Javen) is the ancient Hebrew word for someone who is Greek. So, there you go. LOL I know it's kinda silly, there are alot of Greek parts to his name and his dad's new profession but it just seemed fitting and if you could look at him now, you would see his is definitely a Luke! Also, he'll always have a fun explination for a somewhat common name.
Congratulations Jimmy and Holly! Luke is SOOOOO CUTEEEEE! Seriously, he is a beautiful baby, and even when he was a newborn he was beautiful. And honestly, most newborns have "that newborn look"... but Luke was perfect! I'm glad he arrived safely, and wow--- what a short labor. I was sorry to read about your sore skin problems... wow- you just didn't have it easy there. It sounds like everything is going well now. How is Jimmy's school going? How is Ammon doing?! He is also as adorable as ever. I miss you Holls!
Hey Guys! Thank you so much for including me in this. I am so excited to see to the guys when ever I can.
I started school today. (bum bum bum). I'll go in order of periods with each teacher. For first semester, first period is Independent Reading with Bader. Second period is Spanish 1 with Froelich. Third period is Beginning Auto Care (woo hoo!) with Livesay. Fourth period is Civics with Bush. Fifth is Algebra 2 with Jordan (ew) i almost got shagia (ahhhhhhhhhhhh). And Sixth period is Human Anatomy with Marshall (another ew). Okay thats first semester. Heres second. First period is Senior Project independent living with Lobe. Second is Spanish 1 with Froelich. Third is College Prep writing with Sullivan. Fourth is Spinning with Emmons. Fifth is Algebra 2 with Jordan. And sixth is a possible T.A. Well those are my classes and I'm excited to be a senior. Oh, I finally got a facebook. So you can get me off of meagan's facebook friend list. Hey it was nice talking to you guys, and keep me posted on the little guys.
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