It all started on garbage day....we found this little treasure waiting for the garbage man. We had to rescue it.
After a little surgery and sanding...
Then TA-DAAA! Lovely! Pretty fancy huh? Jimmy was a big help *Thanks sweetie!*
notes: 1. I am now a spray paint groupie. It had always scared me before but now, I'm a fan 2. High density foam is REALLY expensive. yikes! 3. Totally fun to do with honey as you need two pairs of hands for much of the process :).
Learing to speak Persian, Immunology, Feeding sister missionaries, beginning to run, building bunk beds, potty training, Chemistry, learning to play the cello, ping-pong olympics, starter sewing projects, teaching cooking club, Algebra, harvesting cherry tomatoes, weight lifting, breathing, Anatomy lab, paying off our car, Autism/Spectrum evaluations, Making new friends, watching movies, Flashcards, new clothes, finding time for family, and loving life!
I know, it's still August and summer isn't over yet. For us, however, school has started which means summer has ended. It has been a memorable summer. One of the best so far. We saw alot of eachother, had many adventures and a little bit of fun everyday. It has been a great way to spend our last "summer break" together. I would apologize at my lack of blogging during the season, but we were just having too much fun. I'll share with you though, don't worry. It's just a little late in coming.
July started off with a trip to Missiouri and a big birthday party! Luke was not shy...
Ammon was a little more dainty
The Farm was great and so beautiful! It was so wonderful to see all the COUSINS!!!
At home we've just had as much fun as possible! Jimmy has a new calling as the ward mission leader (which he is REALLY excited about!) We have wonderful missionaries in our ward right now so it's wonderful to work with them.
So sweet with his baby...
We have the COOLEST family home evenings!
As far as firsts go, Luke is now running through the house and loving that he can FINALLY chase Ammon around (much to Ammon's delight) Ammon is almost potty trained and has quite the vocabulary these days! We're hoping he will be able to start preschool this fall and Luke will hopfully start talking soon! We love you all! I hope you had as wonderful as a summer as we did!
We have had a blast this week! So far Cleveland summer has proved true in being as lovely as anything imaginable. We had alot of fun in our garden, and our back yard this weekend as well as a visit to the Lake Farm Park. Here are some pictures from our week.
Well, I have to admit our time in Missouri was AMAZING! I think Jim's Mom has found heaven on earth. The fields were green and beautiful, the cows were fun and talkative. It was a treat to see the Amish driving their buggies and wagons into town. Ammon had so much fun. I think it was the first time I'd ever seen him so happy and free. We are looking forward to July 4th with eagerness! I wish I could take you all there to see it! Here are some pictures to give you a glimpse!
Cozy in the car for 13.5 hours. I love family car trips! 40 acres makes for a long walk From under the 'Picnic Tree' rollin in the grass on a sunny day "Sun block" for our little red head and Jimmy's Amish hat Too good for the press The Farmer Ammon and Mr. Ford got on quite well together The Help tickely grass, it was up to my arm pits! Walkin by the chicken house where Little Bitty and her 3 chicks live