Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The date is set...(I wish)

So Friday we dropped Jimmy off at the airport to fly to Arkansas for an Interview for med school (which went VERY well) then Ammon and I went home to catch some Zzzz's (we had to drop daddy off at 3:30am! OUCH!) After a few hours we got to go see the baby! YEA!!! Isn't it cute! We also found out that we have a due date! YEA! We are due August 1st (Jacy, I know you've got to love that!) As exciting as that is, it's a little depressing at the same time, due to the fact that Aug 1st is the 1st day of Med school for Jimmy (YIKES!) We haven't decided exactly what we're going to do, but I'm sure it will work out. The Lord knows what he's doing. Anywho, after the ultrasound Ammon and I went to Olympia to spend the weekend with Grandpa. Ammon had alot of fun, and I was mostly just nauseous. Oh well. We're glad to have Jimmy home now, and today for FHE we started packing! We also had dinner with the Quist's (sniff) they make us sad to leave Seattle. We hope to stay in touch with them!
So, Yea for good news and yea that Christmas is a week away!!! Hope your all ready!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The craziness continues...

Well, ok we just found out last week that because of a few problems in our apartment (namely mold) we do not have to "buy out" of our lease. Hmmmmmmmm. So being the totally insane people that we are, we've decided to move to Olympia NOW instead of LATER! Ok, breath *sigh*. This means by the end of the month. Yep, the new year will be in a new place (well, my dad's place) We will be in Lacey 5th ward (yea Sis Burton!) ans be close to family (the extra hands will really help!) I will still be doing Real Estate, and commuting to Seattle (so we may still see each other!) All in all, I'm a little dazed. I'm really sad because I finally have some really good friends in the ward (mall walkers anonymous and play group.) I'm going to miss Seattle more then I thought as well as the LFP ward, as quirky as they are. This was our first apartment together, we had our first child here, we bought our first car together here..and so many more firsts that I didn't realized I'd have a hard time letting go of. I know I'll love living in Oly again, and being close to my Family and old friends, change is just hard (more so cause I'm an emotional pregnant lady) and this change came faster then expected. Thank you Seattle and everyone in it for helping create the person I am after these three years!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So the last 24 hours have pretty much been out of control. Allow me to explain. It all started last night. Jimmy was studying for his exam today I was reading (and not feeling so good) when at about midnight Jim says to me "Well, I'm done studying, I'll just check my email and we can go to bed." Sweet, I thought. Next thing I know Jim is practically jumping off the walls. He was invited to interview at University of Arkansas but the craziest part is they want him there a week from Saturday! AHHHH. So we all calmed down, (after an hour or so) and went to bed. Now, a little background here, December 4th is my birthday, we had already celebrated so no big deal. Further background, I have been feeling "ill" for a couple weeks now and was getting quite suspicious, Thus waking up this morning (and it being my birthday) I thought I would confirm my suspicions as a present to myself. Sure enough, I'M PREGNANT!!! Yes after 9 months of trying it's finally happened! Happy Birthday! So I did what any woman should do, called my OBGYN to confirm my confirmation. Well they had a spot open this afternoon, so in I went, yes I'm pregnant. How pregnant you ask??? Well that is the big question isn't it? It could be July 8th (very funny because Ammon was due July 7th) like the nurse speculated or sometime later in July or August. We don't know, I'll let you in on the date when we do. Then the dilemma "who to tell?" I thought we where going to wait till Christmas but I blabbed to Kami this morning waking in the mall, and almost at the same time Jim was telling his mother. So that did it. Everyone had to know and now, you do! So Crazy day of calling really excited friends or, changing the subject, rather dramatically, on birthday phone calls. From 'Happy b-day' to 'Wow your WHAT?'

And yes, for those of you doing mental math at this moment, Medical school does start in July or August (depending on the school) And yes, Jimmy may not be there for the birth, and yes, I will be staying to have the baby in Washington (most likely.) All told, my life just got a lot crazier, but also, much more joyous. (And yes, I know we're crazy)